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Events / Arts festivals

The International Festival "The Slavic Unity"

28 june, 2014, Klimovo

Far beyond Bryansk the International festival "The Slavic Unity" held annually at the conjunction of Slavic lands by the Friendship Monument at the border of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine is famous.

In August 1969, at picturesque meadow near the village of New Yurkovichy of Klimovo area in Bryansk region, the representatives of Bryansk, Gomel and Chernigov regions have come for their first meeting.

The participants of that festival have decided to make such meetings the tradition. In the year of the 30-th anniversary of Soviet people Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 the Friendship Monument has been erected at the site.

At the moment it is the largest international event in which annually tens of thousands of people from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine participate – the representatives of the most important sectors of economy, culture and art figures, youth leaders, representatives of Russian Orthodox Church from Moscow Patriarchate, political parties and public movements.

In 2013 the festival was hosted by Ukraine. The festival was dedicated to the 1025-th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia.

By the established tradition, each year the organization of the festival goes alternately to Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. This year the festival is responsibility of Bryansk region of Russia.

By the organizers’ idea all sites of the festival will be combined in large Slavic Singing Field. Traditionally, there will be many sports and children activities while in market section anyone will find a treat he likes most.

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0:55:06 C ( F)
Region: Bryansk region
City: Klimovo